Ref: 001233184114
Design: Carved wooden statuettes
Quantity: 12 pieces
2-Name of the art object: Fang Byeri Mask Collection Origin: West Region, Cameroon
2-Name of the art object: Bamileke Mabea Statue Collection Origin: West Region, Cameroon
2-Name of the art object: Mbomo Ngil Status Collection Origin: West Region, Cameroon
2- Name of the art object: Kota Mukudji Statuette Collection Origin: West Region, Cameroon
1-. Name of the art object: Bobo ADouma Mask Origin West Region. Cameroon
2-Name of the art object: Baoule Bambara mask Origin: West Region, Cameroon
1-Name of the art object: Bamileke kouopsap mask Original:
Certificate of Authenticity No……… 2374-4350-894H
Conventional age
Fraction: Wood residue, 5.0 mg C Wood humic acids 2.4mg C
I, the undersigned Dr. Ebongue Jean Marc, art expert and laboratory technique specialist, approved by the National Center for Archaeological Research, declare that hereby I have taken a sample of the carved wooden pieces.
Based on the metallographic examination carried out on this piece, I certify that this object is indeed old and authentic as evidenced by the elements listed below
1) Structural homogeneity of the species used
2) Species harvested: Bibinga (rare forest species from the equatorial forest)
(3) Highlighting of degradation on the outer layer
(4) Graph showing the different concentrations of wood-Organic residues -Type of species
(5) The actual date of the objects is comprehensive, all the being pieces complementary.
Reference expertise
ARTWORK 45876 2210102
LABHATORY REF 30124578986
Based on the photographs provided and the preliminary results obtained, the multifractal analyses do not provide any element that could call into question the originality of this collection us by its origin or its date. These works of art are indeed pieces dating back at least 120 years. However, the physical examination of these pieces made possible to take a complete formal and definitive position as to its authenticity.
The objects appraised are indeed diverted from the exploitation of Cameroonian Forests which happen to be wildlife and / or wildlife products can be exported. Because, they do not appear on the list of objects prohibited from export in accordance with articles 51, 55, 56 and 57 of Law No. 2013 / 003 of April 18, 2013, governing forest and wildlife heritage in Cameroon,
They were evaluated and analyzed in accordance with the standards provided for by Law 94/01 of January 20, 1994 on the wildlife and artisanal regime of Cameroon.
This certificate will come into force after presentation of the Certificate of Authenticity by the locality of origin of the said collection,
In witness whereof this Certificate is established to serve as value for what is gained. Olenge Jam Mar Douala
Dr. Le Spécialiste